Workplace Mediation

Workplace mediation is a confidential and informal process used to help resolve workplace problems.

For the employer:

Mediation avoids the need for employers to go through lengthy and expensive grievance procedures.

Mediation concentrates on the reality of the current situation and building practical working relationships going forward.

Adversarial processes (conduct, grievances, employment tribunals etc) tend to be expensive and about winners and losers – ‘who did what, to whom and when.’

Workplace mediation:
  1. quickly restores healthy and positive working relationships
  2. is both a timely and cost-effective approach to problem solving
  3. focuses on the future not the past. It is not about apportioning blame.
  4. can take place at any time to try and resolve a workplace relationship issue.

Workplace mediation is not about apportioning blame.

Early intervention is ideal but of more importance is that parties are willing to consider mediation as a way forward.

For the employee:

Most people would like work related conflict resolved, sometimes they do not know how to, or they are unable to work through how to make the changes happen.
Workplace mediation:
  1. resolves conflict quickly in a safe environment
  2. is a confidential process which encourages people to talk openly to someone impartial without feeling restricted
  3. empowers the individual parties participating to own issues affecting them
  4. is not judgmental and it avoids decisions being imposed by other people.
  5. ensures the outcome of any mediation remains confidential to the parties concerned

Our mediators:

Here at the Brighton and Hove Independent Mediation Service (BHIMS) we have a team of highly skilled accredited workplace mediators.

They are trained to work through issues with employers and staff quickly, repairing relationships and restoring a healthy working environment.

  1. The mediator provides support and an environment for solutions to be found for work-related problems.
  2. The mediator will provide a safe, secure and calm environment for parties to be heard and have their say and to talk through their views and needs.
  3. The mediator ensures the discussion is balanced and no-one is disadvantaged through the mediation process.
  4. An individual meeting is held with each party of a dispute after which a joint meeting is held with all parties.
  5. Most mediations are concluded in three sessions (two individual and one joint) – mediations wouldnormally be completed in one working day.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.

Henry Ford

Eighty per cent of cases are successful – workplace mediation works!

Mediation is suitable for most issues that relate to conflict or dispute.

Cases most suited are those where the parties concerned are genuinelyinterested in improving the situation for the future – in particular:

  1. breakdown of working relationships.
  2. work-related bullying and or harassment.
  3. implications and or outcomes of disciplinary proceedings
    and or grievances.
  4. issues surrounding conditions of employment.
Mediators offer a confidential opportunity to raise issues in private – their job is to focus on the future and how those involved can work together in the future.